What is the Fitzwilliam for?
The Fitzwilliam is aiming to create high-quality discourse about ideas in Ireland and Europe. We’re interested in policy, philosophy, science, and literature. We also want to hear nitty-gritty details about countries that don’t get a lot of coverage in the English-speaking media. Some examples of essays we’re proud of include an argument that Ireland holds unique promise for nuclear power, a response to economist Bryan Caplan on open borders, and a critical review of the Irish electrical grid. We are not interested in writing about the news or current events. We’re strongly influenced by the effective altruism and rationality communities, and by Our World in Data.
We welcome any feedback over email: sam [at] thefitzwilliam [dot] com. We are especially grateful for any errors you spot, and we will thank you publicly for this if you wish.
What’s the name all about?
It’s the name of a street in Dublin on which the founders had a lunch that ultimately led to the project. Fitzwilliam was a title in the peerage of Ireland, and we are making no claims about the people who held it.
Can I contribute?
If you want to write an essay that for the Fitzwilliam, please email your idea and some background about yourself to sam [at] thefitzwilliam [dot] com. Payment will depend upon how experienced you are in the area you’re writing about. Essays can be fairly long and technical.